

Space Booking is an integrated workspace management solution that meets the needs of booking, monitoring and managing collaborative spaces. Set up your spaces based on capacity, technology and services and book the most suitable resource based on your needs: desks, rooms, common areas, services and devices. Control real usage and optimize spaces with policy templates available on the system such as self-service, required check-in (PIN code or NFC badge) or approver.

Space Booking Suite includes:


  • Web portal
  • Microsoft Exchange integration
  • Google Suite integration
  • Smartphone APP

Web portal

Resource reservation can be done easily via web browser. Find and book the right resource you need thanks to the integrated assistant function.

Microsoft Exchange integration

Reservations can be made in a few simple steps via Microsoft Outlook thanks to the dedicated Exchange connector. Synchronization is bi-directional to allow you to manage bookings from the web portal of Outlook and the prospects at the same time. You can also use our Space Booking Outlook plugin to enhance your booking experience.

Google Suite integration

Reservations can be made directly through Google Suite Calendar with our Space Booking Google Connector. Dual mode sync is available.

App per Smartphone

Accedi alla tua prenotazione o trova e prenota un nuovo spazio direttamente dal tuo smartphone, iOS o Android. Assumi il controllo di luci, aria condizionata, riscaldamento, videoconferenza, monitor e qualsiasi altro dispositivo della sala con un’esperienza utente unica e semplice.

Smartphone apps

Access your reservation or find and book a new space directly from your smartphone, iOS or Android. Take control of lights, air conditioning, heating, video conferencing, monitors and any other device in the room with a single and simple user experience.

Desk booking

Desk management has never been easier than now. Find and book a desk on Space Booking from the web portal, the app, the Outlook plug-in or directly via Exchange / Gsuite. You can manage a shared desk area for your business consultants or support your smart work projects thanks to this feature. You can also improve your company’s workplace effectiveness with beacon, which simplify the whole experience even more. It is sufficient to walk near a desk and the available resources will be displayed in the app; click and book instantly.

Prenotazione sala riunioni

Space Booking consente agli utenti di prenotare uno spazio adatto a riunioni con assoluta semplicità, invitare partecipanti, riservare una sala per videoconferenza, richiedere dispositivi, accessori o servizi avanzati come un traduttore, una segretaria o un catering. È possibile applicare diverse impostazioni dei criteri sulla riunione, ad esempio applicare le azioni di check-in richieste tramite codice PIN o badge o utilizzare il processo di approvazione. Amplia la tua esperienza di prenotazione delle sale con i Touch panels

Meeting room booking

Space Booking allows users to book a space suitable for meetings with absolute simplicity, invite participants, reserve a videoconference room, request advanced devices, accessories or services such as a translator, a secretary or catering. You can apply various policy settings on the meeting, such as apply check-in actions required via PIN code or badge or use the approval process. Extend your room booking experience with Touch panels

Video booking

Space Booking unifies the booking of physical spaces and virtual rooms. This is possible thanks to the MCU connector which automatically activates a video conferencing room on the existing video platform. All participants will be informed how to join the video meeting. Internal participants will have a single button to press (One Button To Push) on the touch panel devices to join the meeting.

Supported brands: Cisco, Pexip, Microsoft Teams.

Altre prenotazioni

Space Booking è la piattaforma più flessibile per le prenotazioni di risorse condivise. Puoi estendere la tua esperienza di prenotazione prenotando parcheggi, dispositivi o servizi come traduttore, catering o un servizio di supporto tecnico per l’evento. Qualsiasi risorsa può essere aggiunta nell’applicazione e condivisa tra i dipendenti. Con l’ultima versione del software di Space Booking è anche possibile prenotare biglietti d’ingresso per spazi con il semplice concetto di capacità.

Other bookings

Space Booking is the most flexible platform for shared resource bookings. You can extend your booking experience by booking parking, devices or services such as translator, catering or a technical support service for the event. Any resource can be added in the application and shared among employees. With the latest version of the Space Booking software it is also possible to book entrance tickets for spaces with the simple concept of capacity.

Internal Navigation

Thanks to internal maps, Space Booking helps you find your way to your meeting room or your desk with a simple internal navigation system that shows you the way. Maps Indoor is integrated with Google Maps, so when the user has scheduled a meeting the app will lead them to the room starting from the car / public transport route. When it reaches the building Maps Indoor will detect your position and show the final route through a navigator based on the plan of the building.

Beacon - Proximity Device

Con i beacon, l’app di Space Booking rileverà la posizione dell’utente rispetto alle risorse disponibili (desk, sale riunioni, parcheggi) e attiverà una serie di funzionalità:

  • Visualizza le risorse disponibili vicino a te
  • Visualizza l’agenda delle risorse
  • Effettua il check-in con la funzione prossimità
  • Gestisci le risorse preferite in prossimità

Beacon - Proximity Device

With the beacon, the Space Booking app will detect the user’s position with respect to the available resources (desk, meeting rooms, parking) and will activate a series of functions:


  • View available resources near you
  • View the resource agenda
  • Check in with the proximity function
  • Manage your favorite resources nearby

Room Automation

Room Automation is the Space Booking module that allows you to control all the devices in the room, recall scenarios, extend the meeting or interrupt it, restoring room availability. This module is integrated with BMS standards and also with Crestron / Extron / AMX motor automation engines.

The functions are available from the same touch panel for room reservation positioned on the meeting room table.

Flusso User Experience

Con Space Booking l’utente è ora in grado di organizzare un meeting in pochi istanti con la prenotazione di una sala, di desk, parcheggi e altre risorse attraverso la web app o l’app iOS e Android:

  • Prenota sale, desk, device, servizi
  • Invita ospiti e colleghi
  • Digitalizza il processo di accoglienza
  • Effettua check-in/out di sala
  • Genera guest Wi-Fi per i visitatori
  • Gestisce flusso di accredito GDPR
  • Genera report personalizzati utilizzo risorse

User Experience flow

With Space Booking the user is now able to organize a meeting in a few moments by reserving a room, desk, parking and other resources through the web app or the iOS and Android app:


  • Book rooms, desks, devices, services
  • Invite guests and colleagues
  • Digitize the reception process
  • Check-in/out of the room
  • Generate guest Wi-Fi for visitors
  • Manages GDPR credit flow
  • Generate custom resource usage reports

The advantages of the solution

  • Optimization: a simple booking system that optimizes the use of available environments and technologies without having to increase their number.


  • Effectiveness: it is the first integrated system designed to manage all bookable resources with a single flow and a single interface for all environments.


  • Efficiency: the digital resource booking, management and guest accreditation system saves precious time every time for each person involved in the process.


  • Control: all the information is aggregated in dedicated dashboards that allow you to understand how resources are used, by whom and how to divide the hours of use according to cost.

Space Booking includes some devices to manage the main functions of the rooms and desks.

High-resolution Touch Panels allow you to see meeting room name, availability and booking information from outside the meeting room and offer an intuitive interface for check-in with PIN code or card, extend meeting, make an “Instant Book” or end the meeting early. Desk labels – interactive or non-interactive – allow for the booking of Space Booking workstations. The Touch Desk Label with status LED bars can be easily installed on the desks and are equipped with an integrated badge reader to validate the reservation of the workstation made. Through Beacon, it will be possible to book with the Space Booking app as soon as you approach a desk or a room. The proximity function will detect the closest bookable resources and suggest them to the user. Kiosk allow immediate booking by authenticating with the badge. Finally, Wayfinder help the user identify their meeting and find the correct location.

The advantages of the solution

High-resolution Touch Panels allow you to see meeting room name, availability and booking information from outside the meeting room and offer an intuitive interface for check-in with PIN code or card, extend meeting, make an “Instant Book” or end the meeting early.




  • Daily agenda of the Hall
  • Led bar indicating the availability status
  • Check-in / Check-out (PNR / NFC)
  • Instant booking
  • Extend your booking
  • Stop booking
  • “OBTP”, a button to access video conferencing.
  • Technical specifications:
  • 10 inches
  • VESA
  • Power Over Ethernet
  • Wi-Fi

Desk Labels

Le etichette elettroniche 4.2 posizionate sulle scrivanie consentono di mostrare lo stato attuale e futuro della prenotazione. Facile da installare perchè non richiedono cavi grazie alla batteria interna di alimentazione ( durata 3-4 anni). Sono collegati Wireless ai gateway propietari grazie alla tecnologia ZigBee.

Funzionalità disponibili:

  • Nome della scrivania
  • Stato della scrivania ( libero/occupato )
  • Stato colore Nero/Rosso ( libero/occupato )
  • Propietario della prenotazione
  • Prenotazione Timeslot
  • Prossima prenotazione Timeslot
  • Codice Pin Check-in / tramite app )
  • Stato del Chieck-in ( obbligatorio/eseguito )

Desk Label

4.2 electronic labels placed on the desks allow you to show the current and future status of the reservation. Easy to install because they do not require cables thanks to the internal power battery (3-4 year duration). They are wirelessly connected to proprietary gateways thanks to ZigBee technology.


Available features:


  • Desk name
  • Desktop status (free/busy)
  • Color status Black/Red (free/busy)
  • Reservation owner
  • Timeslot booking
  • Upcoming Timeslot booking
  • Pin Code Check-in / via app 
  • Check-in status (mandatory/executed)

Desk Label Touch

Extends the capabilities and functionality available on the desktop. Requires a power connection ( via micro USB ) and Wireless connectivity ( WLAN 802.11 b / g / n )


Available features:


  • Screen size 3.5″
  • Desk name
  • Status of the desktop
  • Next booking
  • Immediate booking
  • Extend booking
  • Break offs
  • Check-in by badge

Way Finder

Perfetti per aree di sosta, reception e hall degli ascensori, consentono la visualizzazione istantanea dell’uso della sala riunioni e l’individuazione di quella più vicina disponibile.

Way Finder

Perfect for rest areas, reception areas and lift lobbies, they allow instant visualization of meeting room usage and identification of the closest available one.


The Interactive Kiosk is a device for finding and booking meeting rooms and desks in a shared area. Includes map and photos to guide users in choosing the right resource needed.

Report e analytics

L’applicazione include una serie di rapporti disponibili che forniscono tutte le informazioni sulla prenotazione e sull’uso reale di tutti gli spazi. Questo è uno strumento utile per i gestori di strutture che adottano un processo di miglioramento continuo.

Customer Satisfaction

Questo modulo consente un sondaggio sulla soddisfazione del cliente incentrato sulla raccolta di feedback e suggerimenti dei dipendenti.


Il modulo di fatturazione della gestione della fatturazione consente la gestione dei costi in base al numero di partecipanti, sale e servizi. Funzionalità utili in caso di noleggio o controllo dei costi interni.

Reports and analytics

The application includes a series of available reports that provide all the information on the booking and real use of all the spaces. This is a useful tool for facility managers who adopt a continuous improvement process.

Customer Satisfaction

This module enables a customer satisfaction survey focused on collecting employee feedback and suggestions.


The billing management billing module allows you to manage costs based on the number of participants, rooms and services. Useful features in case of rental or internal cost control.

Funzioni HR

Smart Dashboard



  • The smart dashboard allows you to view all the statistics, graphs and KPIs on the occupation and reservation of resources and rooms.
  • Furthermore, the platform allows you to organize and govern corporate smart working policies.
  • Identify people in smart working and those in the office
  • Protect the capacity of the rooms
  • Help enforce policies

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